Like all diets, some are successful and some are absolute failures. I've been trying, but with all the damn holidays going at once it has been rough.
So, like every new year I have the same the resolution, to lose weight. For Christmas I was asked what I wanted. After thinking about my issue of weight loss I said I want either a Ninja Blender or a Bullet. My mother got me a Ninja, I'm looking forward to using it. So I will be doing a 30 day Green Smoothies Challenge. I will be posting recipes and maybe pictures. So if you would like to join me that would be great, I would love to hear from you and see what you do with it.
All the recipes I'm going to be using are from simplegreensmoothies, if you would like to join in their 30 day challenge you can go to their website, you follow them on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, as well as Pinterest! I will post links on this page. (I'm in no way affiliated with them and I'm not getting paid by them.) I just think that we all need some help and it their here too help.
I'm going to be working on this blog and making a page on Facebook and maybe an Instagram for this project. I'm hoping that you all will help encourage me and I can do the same to all of you.
Here's to a fantastic New Years, here's to 2014.